How to write your life story the easy way
I have just completed two Life Story books for two lovely chaps and am working on another two, and do you know what, it's great fun and they are looking good.
The challenge
So many people tell me that they or their parents have always meant to write down their recollections and share memories, many have even made a start, but then sadly the task is not completed. The idea of writing a book is pretty darn daunting; what to say, what not to say, will it be interesting, will it be compelling, how do I add images and the list goes on.
The solution!
I aim to take away the pain. When I (and my small but perfectly formed team) work with a storyteller on a book, we do all the work and you take all the glory.
In a nutshell, we sit down together and I ask you gentle questions and use gentle prompts to help you recall and share your stories. I know the life story interview questions to ask, and how to ask them to help you recall. With a little magic, and a little editing, I turn this recording into the first written draft of your book, but really you are telling your story in your words, I just make interpret them from the written word to the print.
I send you the first draft for any amendments that you would like and then, only, only, only when you are 100% happy that your book is accurate, that it says what you want to say how you want to say it will we send your book to be printed for you to show off to family and friends!
So, if this is something you have wanted to do, or you have already made a start but never finished the book, let's have a chat, maybe I can help, it really is that easy.
As one storyteller said recently:
'I could not be more delighted in the way Alice worked with me to produce a book of my life in such a professional and creative manner. She made what seemed, at the start, to be a very daunting task, into a real pleasure and I am thrilled with the result. I can't recommend her more highly.' Richard.